What Is Hypnotherapy
What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is effective, doesn’t hurt, isn’t invasive and doesn’t require expensive equipment or drugs. With the help of a qualified hypnotherapist, you can alleviate a myriad of medical and psychological ailments. Once learned, most patients can continue to assist themselves with self-hypnosis techniques.
Hypnosis is a pleasant state of relaxation combined with very focused concentration. In some ways, hypnosis is similar to sleep. There is a narrowing of attention accompanied by tranquility and inertia. Unlike sleep, patients never lose awareness and are conscious of what is being said.
Hypnosis activates nerve pathways in the brain that cause the release of natural morphine-like endorphins. These “opioids” modify, the perception of pain and a variety of symptoms. Under hypnosis, patients can regulate body functions over which they normally have no control. Hypnotic suggestions override responses of the autonomic nervous system, reducing heart rate, blood pressure and slowing breathing.
What is a post-hypnotic suggestion?
A good example of post-hypnotic suggestion is how it is used by people who want to quit smoking. During hypnosis, the therapist gives the patient a suggestion to be acted on after the session. For example, long time smokers have been known to quit after one session and never smoke again. A suggestion of healthy foods tasting better creates rapid weight loss. In most cases, post-hypnotic suggestions require two or three sessions for lasting change.

How deep will hypnosis take me?
There are various stages or depths of hypnosis. When you are under “lightly” you won’t feel any discomfort when pinched, but it takes a deeper state to control severe pain, such as that due to cancer, surgery or fibromyalgia. Deeper trance states have been used as an alternative to anesthetic.
Somnambulism is a very deep state of hypnosis where remarkable achievements are made with ease. Visualizations are vivid and constructive. One in 6 people are naturally somnambulistic. Most patients, after a few sessions, can attain a somnambulistic depth of hypnosis.
How do I know if I can I be hypnotized?
The idea that only the weak willed can be hypnotized is a myth. Ninety percent of the population can be hypnotized, if they want to be and if they trust the therapist. Being intelligent and imaginative helps, too.

How do I know if I can I be hypnotized?
The idea that only the weak willed can be hypnotized is a myth. Ninety percent of the population can be hypnotized, if they want to be and if they trust the therapist. Being intelligent and imaginative helps, too.
What is self-hypnosis?
Self-hypnosis is achieving a trance state without the assistance of a hypnotherapist. Reputable therapists recommend patients practice their hypnosis between sessions. Many people find it useful to have a trained hypnotherapist teach give them suggestions so they can focus their mind on just listening.
Cynthia Beck, MH, offers hypnotherapy in Sedona, Arizona. Call today (650) 722-1956 for your FREE consultation!